Amen Niklas Göke! Thank you for having the courage to write an article to address this.
I couldn’t agree more with you. I love Medium and visit it every day (usually like starting my day with an article over breakfast)
But recently I have been hesitant at times to open it up because my feed is just inundated with articles on the Coronavirus.
Granted many are very practical and I believe these have their time and place and nothing wrong with those articles here and there.
But there are also many articles that are just so fear-based it’s almost laughable. I am all for being informed but putting out articles that are just adding to the already heightened fear and tension in the air isn’t helping us in any way.
If anything it is hindering people’s progress. If people are just being put in fight or flight mode with consistent fear-based articles reminding us of the pandemic. What’s that going to be doing for people’s immune systems? Not much.
Instead, we need to be focusing on my practical, inspiring and uplifting content. Articles that add value, teach people to become better and keep people positive.
I think it’s a difficult thing to approach because on the one hand people really do need to be informed and we do need people writing articles that help people through this time.
However, there is a point when there is too much.
And we need to balance it out with articles that are practical and valuable without having to be about the Coronavirus.
I think perhaps it’s about finding a middle ground.
I believe it’s important to at least reference or touch on the Coronavirus in articles at the moment as it is such a large topic. However, I think we need to start doing it in a smarter way.
I’ve decided from now on that I will be refraining from using words like ‘crisis’, ‘chaos’, ‘challenging’, “difficult’ in my titles altogether. I believe these words just create unnecessary fear and apprehension for people, which is not what people need right now.
We need practical, uplifting and inspiring material.
Sure reference the Coronavirus or even write articles to help people through it. But don’t do it a way that just adds to the problem. As they say, if you're not part of the solution you’re part of the problem.
And there are certainly a lot people adding to the problem right now. So thank you for writing this article, I believe it’s very important for people to hear.
And I applaud you for putting it out.
Who else agrees with this?